

Guangdong OuChuangLi profitability Packaging Machinery Co. Ltd.,is a collection of scientific research,automatic packaging machinery enterprises design,manufacturing and marketing as a whole. For our customers to provide customized packaging solutions and full automatic packaging production line design.The company mainly engaged in bag. Horizontal. Bag.Vertical, collar type.Continuous. Avariety of pillow type automatic packaging machine, the product can be used for three side sealing.Four sealing.Back sealing. Triangle bag.Pouch.Multiple packages and other products in the pharmaceutical,chemical pesticides二food seasoning.Seed fields such as cosmetics. The company with technology and creative as a starting point, to service and enthusiasm for the subject, with the wishes of customers as a driving force,to solve user problems in the production process, to customer satisfaction as their goal,enhance the company's competitive advantage,manufacturing first-class p rod a cts.

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