
OCL-16F 袋泡茶內外袋包裝機(螺桿下料)Teabag inner and outer bag packaging machine (screw blanking)



本機是一種新型熱封式,多功能全自動袋泡茶飲品包裝設備。該機的主要特點是內外袋一次成型,避免了人手與物料的直接接觸,提高效率。內袋為過濾棉紙,外袋為復合紙。 其最大的好處在于:包裝容量、內袋、外袋等均可任意調整,可根據用戶的不同需要來調整內外袋尺寸,以便達到最理想的包裝效果,提高產品外觀檔次,使產品價值提升。

This machine is a new type of heat-sealing, multi-functional automatic tea bag packaging equipment. The main feature of this machine is that the inner and outer bags are formed at one time, which avoids direct contact between human hands and materials and improves efficiency. The inner bag is filter cotton paper, and the outer bag is composite paper. The biggest advantage is that the packaging capacity, inner bag, outer bag, etc. can be adjusted arbitrarily, and the inner and outer bag sizes can be adjusted according to the different needs of users in order to achieve the most ideal packaging effect, improve the appearance of the product, and increase the value of the product.

所屬系列:Belonging to the series袋泡茶包裝機Teabag Packaging Machine
產品型號:Product numberC16F
產品名稱:product name袋泡茶內外袋包裝機(螺桿下料)
Teabag inner and outer bag packaging machine (screw blanking)
適合范圍:Suitable range茶葉、藥茶、保健茶等小顆粒物料的內外袋一次性包裝。
One-time packaging inside and outside bags for tea, medicinal tea, health tea and other small granular materials.
本機特點:Features of this machine本機是一種新型熱封式,多功能全自動袋泡茶飲品包裝設備。該機的主要特點是內外袋一次成型,避免了人手與物料的直接接觸,提高效率。內袋為過濾棉紙,外袋為復合紙。 其最大的好處在于:包裝容量、內袋、外袋等均可任意調整,可根據用戶的不同需要來調整內外袋尺寸,以便達到包裝效果,提高產品外觀檔次,使產品價值提升。
This machine is a new type of heat-sealing, multi-functional automatic tea bag packaging equipment. The main feature of this machine is that the inner and outer bags are formed at one time, which avoids direct contact between human hands and materials and improves efficiency. The inner bag is filter cotton paper, and the outer bag is composite paper. Its biggest advantage is that the packaging capacity, inner bag, outer bag, etc. can be adjusted arbitrarily, and the size of the inner and outer bags can be adjusted according to the different needs of users to achieve the packaging effect, improve the appearance of the product, and increase the value of the product.
包裝材料 Packaging material紙/塑、塑/塑、塑/鋁/塑、紙/鋁/塑、茶葉濾紙。
Paper/plastic, plastic/plastic, plastic/aluminum/plastic, paper/aluminum/plastic, tea filter paper.
主要技術參數The main technical parameters
外袋尺寸:Outer bag size長/long70~120mm ;寬/width60~90mm
內袋尺寸:Inner bag size長/long50~110mm ;寬/width40~80mm
包裝速度:Packaging speed40~60袋/分鐘Bags/minute
包裝容量:Packing capacity1~15g
電源:power supply220V, 50/60HZ, 4.5KW
整機重量:Total Weight400KG


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